Learning by Doing

The Wrong Way

When I learned to code, I thought I was learning the wrong way. The 1980s were the Bronze Age of the personal computer with the Apple II, Commodore 64, Atari 800, and the TRS-80 competing for mind and market share. I had gotten it into my head that every home, school, and office would soon have a PC dutifully managing info and automating tasks like the faithful robots that Isaac Asimov had written about. I felt desperate in my need to understand the inner workings of these heralds of the digital age.

Since I was a cash-strapped college student all I could afford was the deeply discounted and distinctly weird TI-99/4A. I bought the Texas Instruments home computer because its specs were impressive (16-Bit CPU) and it cost about 100 bucks. The TI did not set the world on fire. There was very little commercial software. If I wanted to do more than play a few cartridge-based games and I would need to write my own programs.

There was a very vibrant computer hobbyist magazine market in the 80s. My favorite magazine was COMPUTE! Every issue was chock full of news, speculation, and tutorials for each of the major PC systems. I read COMPUTE! from cover to cover and typed in every TI BASIC program printed each month. Since the TI was far from popular there were few articles devoted to its flavor of BASIC. A few days after I devoured a new issue of COMPUTE! I ran out of things to do with my TI.

Trial and Error

Out of desperation and desire I did something unthinkable! I attempted to adopt the Apple, Commodore, Atari, and TRS programs for the lowly TI. At first my efforts simply failed. The BASIC programming language that all these systems shared was broadly similar, but the display, sound, and file sub systems were very different. I learned, the hard way, that what we might call backend programs today were far more portable than frontend programs. The calculation code of a financial calculator could easily be written in a kind of “universal BASIC” while the charting code had to be redesigned entirely. (We have this problem day! It’s why iOS and Android apps have to be different codebases.)  

I was learning, through trial and error, some of the basic principles of software engineering. Insights that I use in the current Golden Age of cloud computing and internet connected devices. I don’t believe I would have retained, or even truly understood, these principles if I had not attempted to “just do it.” An important part of my learning experience is that I had no idea if I would succeed. It was pure R&D.

Learning by Doing Principles

Here’s what I’ve found to be the important elements of learning by doing (from someone who is learning by doing it).

  1. Limited access to expertise: If we have a lifeline, we’re going to use it. Don’t use it. Don’t Google that error message or look for the answer on Stack Overflow. Just bang your head against the wall until something shakes loose.
  2. Unlimited access to examples: This is what is truly great about open source. We have so many examples of working code. These examples might not directly solve the problem at hand, but they provide hints and inspiration.
  3. Unlimited time: For work and play its best to timebox all our activities lest we miss deadlines or overindulge. But for learning it best to take all the time we need. Learning by doing is exploratory and self-driven. If we rush it, we risk completing the project but not the learning.
  4. Simple systems: The TI-99/4A had a single CPU that executed code slowly, in 16KB of RAM, and plotted graphics on a 256×192 bitmap. There wasn’t much there to distract the learner from her self-appointed task. Lucky for us, every UNIX-based computer has a terminal app that transforms your modern supercomputer into something like a 1980’s home computer. We can even install BASIC! (Well, don’t go that far, Python or JavaScript are fine for learning to code projects.)

The Right Way

In hindsight I realize that my mix of limited resources and unlimited time were a big part of my learning succuss. I had to improvise. I had to stretch and grow. I could not Google or Stack Overflow the answers.  

Don’t take my word for it! Learning by doing (project-based learning) is a pedagogical approved alternative to teacher-led instruction. It also looks a lot like a good Agile development process! At Apple we used to say, “you don’t really know how to write code until after you have written it.” This is why the 2nd  and 3rd  generations of every software system are big improvements. It’s not the new features, it’s the lessons learned by doing that lead to safer, faster, and reliable software.

The Only Way

The core lesson I’ve learned by writing code for 30 years is that we’re still figuring it out. While we have amassed a considerable amount of knowledge the pace of technological change continuously challenges that knowledge. When it comes to coding learning by doing isn’t the wrong way – it’s the only way.



