Category: Cocos2d-iPhone
Cocos2d Tip #2: Using CCTimer in Your iPhone Game
If you’re writing almost any type of game, from a puzzler to a FPS to an RTS, tracking time is critical element of the game play. (Except for Angry Birds. You can ponder an Angry Birds level until your iPhone battery runs dry without penalty.) Cocos2d-iPhone provides several means for tracking time in your game…
Objective-C Memory Management For Newbies
Below you will find a list of memory management rules that will make your Coco2d game coding experience easier and your games less buggy. But before you dive in please read the caveats below: These rules are based on several sources written by engineers with much more experienced than me in Objective-C and Cocos2D development.…
Cocos2d Tip #1: Changing a Sprite’s Image Simply
I’m writing an iPhone game using the Cocos2d-iPhone framework. It’s been smooth sailing except for one little detail: I want a sprite to change it’s image based on a touch. I think the problem is that there are a dozen ways to do this in Cocos2d. I wanted to find the simplest way to do…