Category: Programming

  • UITableViewController with Clouds

    I wrote a tutorial that demos how to use a couple of UITableViewControllers, a segue, the Storyboard, a simple model, and as little code as possible to create an iOS app. You’ll find the code and a very detailed README on Github. It’s open source and I hope you find it useful.

  • Book Binder Update

    My comic book collection iOS app continues to evolve. I continue to strip out features and focus on the core mission: Buy a comic, snap a photo, add it to your collection. With that in mind the UX now looks a lot like a photo app that has been preconfigured for storing comic book metadata.…

  • Unit Tests Equal Awesome

    I’m working on a hobby project iOS app that lets me track my comic book collection. I’m interested in comic books because all these super heroes from my misspent youth rule the world of popular culture. While the cool kids were playing sports and going to parties I stayed at home reading comic books. In…

  • Emoji Tac Toe Opened Sourced

    Happy Father’s Day!   To celebrate my 28th Father’s Day I’ve opened sourced Emoji Tac Toe. It’s actually not a big deal to anyone but me. It’s kinda of scary open sourcing code that you wrote alone and without first cleaning it up. But what the heck. If someone can learn something from this code,…

  • JavaScript, Swift, and Kotlin Oh My!

    This blog post now lives on  (and it’s much shorter and better!)  

  • Swift Programming: Filtering vs For Loops

    The current version 3.1 has come a long way from the Yet-Another-C-Based-Syntax of the 1.0 version of Swift. One of the best features of Swift is how functional programming idioms  are integrated into the core of the language. Like JavaScript, you can code in Swift in several methodologies,  including procedural, declarative, object-oriented, and functional. I…

  • Notes on NSUserPreferences

    You can set and get NSUserPreferences from any view controller and the app delegate to they are a great way to pass data around the various parts of your iOS App. Note: NSUserPreferences don’t cross the iOS/watchOS boundry. iOS and watchOS apps each have their own set of NSUserPreferences. In the example below you have…

  • On the Naming of Functions

    A thoughtful coder once said that “it’s more important to have well organized code than any code at all.” Actually several leading coders have said this. So I’ll append my name to the end of that long linked list. I’m trying to develop my own system for naming functions such that it’s relatively obvious what…

  • Code Markup in Xcode

    I’m working on  a fairly large Swift project. Actually no, that’s not quite true. I’m working on  a Swift project with a ViewController file that is getting disorganized and out of control. If this keeps up I might have a large project on my hands but right now it’s just a single file that is…

  • C Plus Minus

    While consuming Handmade Hero and coding furiously to keep up with Casy Muratori I discovered the joy of programming in a language that I deeply understand. This is not one of those new trendy programming languages that tries to be type-safe without explicit types or functional without being confusing. And yet all the new hot/cool…