Category: Tech Trends

  • When Dogfooding Fails

    For over 20 years we’ve been eating our own dog food in the software industry and it’s not working. For the uninitiated dogfooding means to actually use the product you’re developing. It started out as a radical idea at Microsoft and spread as a way to get developers to experience their customer’s pain. On the…

  • I Bought A New MacBook Pro and Didn’t Pay an Arm and Leg!

    Apple had a sale over the Thanksgiving weekend. The savings we’re exactly in Crazy Edie territory but $101 off a new MacBook Pro just about covers the tax (in NJ). My last MBP has been sitting in pieces on the bookshelf behind my desk at home. I bought it in 2008 and two years of…

  • Android SDK Compatibility with Eclipse and JDK

    I recently switched my development workstation from a MacBook Pro to a Windows desktop PC. Yeah, I know, I’m going  against  the trends but it’s a sweet machine I assembled myself based on recommendations from Ash. Immediately I ran into compatibility problems with Google’s Android SDK and the current versions of Eclipse (Helios) and the…

  • Mac OS 3: User Center Design Exemplar

    I nearly lost all my data a couple of weeks ago. Actually, I was in no danger at all of losing my data but the terribad UI of Apple’s Time Machine and Time Capsule made me think I did! Apple’s backup solution is like a good looking school yard bully with a hidden inferiority complex.…

  • Nope: I Haven’t Stopped Reading

    Steve Jobs is a man we all admire and respect. Even when he says something, well, dumb. Back in January of 2008 Steve told a NY Times reporter that “… American’s have stopped reading.” Steve cited this as the reason the Amazon Kindle would fail. In the past year and half the Kindle has been…