Tag: Functional Programming
Swift Programming: Filtering vs For Loops
The current version 3.1 has come a long way from the Yet-Another-C-Based-Syntax of the 1.0 version of Swift. One of the best features of Swift is how functional programming idioms are integrated into the core of the language. Like JavaScript, you can code in Swift in several methodologies, including procedural, declarative, object-oriented, and functional. I…
Learning Haskell on the Web
(Image source: https://blog.kejsarmakten.se/all/software/2011/10/23/haskell.html) Below are websites and such that I’m tracking in my quest to sharpen my FP skills by learning Haskell in my spare time. The Haskell website (where you can download it) A brief introduction to Haskell on GitHub (apparently from a book on Scala, short and sweet) A complete Haskell textbox on…